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HomeToeristische attractiesNatuurGRAFIK partial reservation

GRAFIK partial reservation


Unit type:

The name comes from a stone monument with the same name existing in the forest. There is an inscription "Filio" on the monument that commemorates tragic accident. While hunting, the son of the count Renard was deadly shot.
GRAFIK reservation ranges small valley and is characterized by varied relief. Among numerous species of plants there are also protected ones. In the reservation ,there are also protected fungus. The most inetesting is Meripilus giganteus (lat.).There are many species of birds and mammals such as: Common Buzzard, Tawny Owl, Wood Pigeon, Green Woodpecker, Pine Marten, Racoon Dog. In the area of Czarnocin, there also emerge numerous cristal water springs from which flow out streams flowing into Łącka Woda. In the reservation, there dominates 130-year old beech growing on a thick sheet of loess and proning to water erosion. In the reservation, there are distinguished 2 forest assemblages: acid beechmast [of lowness-niżowy(pl.)] (it is protected in Poland) and acid fertile beechmast.


Strzelce Opolskie
Provinsen: OPOLSKIE
Lengde- og breddegrad: 50.509,18.2842